As a much sadder example, Frisk vs Ryan later on in the comic.Curb-Stomp Battle: Frisk and Asriel vs Sans, Papyrus, and Undyne, though they come very close to winning.

Creepy Child: The most obvious example would be Chara, but given the things they've done (and will do), Frisk and Asriel can be counted as this as well.Unfortunately, they're not like this anymore in the present, wanting to reset the timeline and take away everyone's happy ending so they can "finish what they started". Bully Hunter: When Chara was alive, Asgore describes them as having a strong sense of duty to stand up for what was right, accompanied by an illustration of them angrily shoving a rabbit monster who had been teasing Asriel.The inherent softness of the artstyle makes it even more jarring to see. The comic can be incredibly graphic and brutal at times. They realize it shortly after and go silent. Chara angrily denies being sad about no one acknowledging them, due to them being trapped in Frisk's mind… while simultaneously crying their eyes out.None of their friends and family actually believe them, but they can't manage to get them to tell the truth. Frisk's frequent claims that they're just fine and that nothing is wrong with them.Big Bad: Chara, being Frisk's Enemy Within.But they've done some pretty horrible stuff before the perfect pacifist ending and Frisk can still be really damn scary if you push them too hard.